The national costumes we know today were established about 250 years ago as ceremonial garments, with which peasants expressed their national identity.
National costumes are still connected with many customs, leading individuals to dress festively and express their local affiliation.
To relive the memories of days gone by, of ancient customs and traditions, we have made hand-painted wooden costumes for you in the Etno gallery SKRINA, which are also a protocol gift.
Some of the figures have also been given a useful value – filled with salt, pepper, and just-boiled eggs, they will brighten up your dining table and attract visitors’ eyes.
bela krajina etno galerija skrina Tradicija s posluhom slovenska ljudska noša lesene noše spredaj

The national costumes we know today were established about 250 years ago as ceremonial garments, with which peasants expressed their national identity.
National costumes are still connected with many customs, leading individuals to dress festively and express their local affiliation.
To relive the memories of days gone by, of ancient customs and traditions, we have made hand-painted wooden costumes for you in the Etno gallery SKRINA, which are also a protocol gift.
Some of the figures have also been given a useful value – filled with salt, pepper, and just-boiled eggs, they will brighten up your dining table and attract visitors’ eyes.